Kelly Melear-Hough Coaching
Schedule Free 30 min. Clarity Call

You CAN Change your Life!

3 month group program for women/femme*
Starting 20th August for 12 weeks
From stuck, stressed and confused to Clear, Confident and READY for change in 90 Days

You are so loved and you are here, incarnate on the earth at this time to learn and grow and experience all that you desire. You are more powerful than you know, and you deserve all the good things!

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Suffering and stress are not a way to live – they are indicators that something needs to change.
  • You CAN change your life.
  • You CAN get UNSTUCK.
  • You CAN create a life that feels good and allows you to feel good in your body and take care of yourself.
You are allowed to say no to what is no longer serving you. You can take control and change your circumstances.
“You are a God spark, a sacred piece of the divine and, as such, you have the ability to create a new, inspiring life for yourself. One with more JOY, PEACE, and ABUNDANCE! You have forgotten who you are and your divine nature, but I am here to help you remember.

You were not born to suffer and give in to your fears. Fears help to keep you safe, but they can also hold you back. You must overcome your fears in order to grow and expand into who you are meant to be.

You are designed to be a bright and beautiful light-being sharing your creations – your words, ideas, prayers, poems, songs and stories. You are not meant to be just like everyone else! You are a unique being, one of a kind! Time to let your light shine!!”
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You CAN Change Your Life!

This program, starting 20th August, was created for you

to help you get unstuck and overcome your fears of change, and help you express your beautiful, unique and authentic self.
It’s designed to help you get unstuck and find the clarity and courage to create the changes you want to make in your life so that you can be free. Free to express yourself. Free to BE yourself. Aligned and on-mission. It’s for YOU. To help YOU heal and be witnessed, seen and heard. So that you can let go of the old stories and create a new one. A more aligned one.
Book a Clarity Call
You might be feeling like:
  • You’re stuck, stressed out, or confused about your path forward.
  • You’ve tried all the things (therapy, self-help books and podcasts, maybe even psychics or tarot readings) but you haven’t figured out how to move forward.
  • You’ve been successful at your job or career but it’s no longer fulfilling for you – maybe you’ve moved up the ladder and you are no longer in alignment with the work – it doesn’t light you up.
  • You’re burned out, or close to it, and you no longer look forward to going to work.
  • Your health is starting to fail, or you’ve developed a chronic illness due to the constant stress and overwhelm.
  • Your relationships are strained because you’re just not happy and you can’t figure out how to feel better in your life, or you’ve made some progress but you’re not quite there.
Do you have an old story or belief around how you are supposed to live your life?
Have you been pressured to conform and live in a way that doesn’t feel good to you?

Are you working in a job that you don’t enjoy or in an environment that is toxic for you?

Do you feel trapped, like you have no choice but to grin and bear it because of your responsibilities?

Maybe you have old stories around what you deserve or that you’re not good enough in some way.
If any of this sounds familiar, this program is for YOU!
In this program you will go through a process to get unstuck and find the clarity, confidence and courage you need to take action.
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Small Intimate Groups

You will be held in a small, intimate group where you can tell your story and have the opportunity to be witnessed, seen and heard, and do the same for others.
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Nervous System Regulation Tools

You will learn how to regulate your nervous system so that you can get out of the stress cycles of fight, flight, freeze or fawn and feel better in your body. From this place you will be more empowered to start making changes in your life.

Grounding & Shielding Techniques

You will use techniques for grounding and shielding which can help to reduce anxiety and stress and assist you in reconnecting with your body.
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Ancient Spiritual Techniques

You’ll have the opportunity to learn powerful ancient spiritual techniques to connect with spirit to obtain divine guidance for your life and from there you can create an aligned vision for your future.
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Group Coaching And Feedback Sessions

You’ll be held in a strong energetic container for 12 weeks with a small, intimate group of women/femme where you can receive coaching and feedback from Kelly and from the group.

Plan Of Action

You’ll create a concrete plan of action for getting unstuck and moving towards your vision of your ideal life.
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Shamanic Healing Methods

You’ll experience shamanic healing methods for identifying and clearing blocks and resistance to moving forward.
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1:1 Coaching/Healing Session

You’ll receive a one-on-one coaching/healing session with Kelly where you can fully explore your unique situation and be led through a powerful journey or shamanic energy healing experience.
If you’ve found this page, you are likely someone who:
  • is a badass! - smart, successful, and doing all the things, mom, partner, work, chauffeur, chief cook and bottle  washer, etc.
  • is highly capable and self-aware.
  • is interested in spirituality and open minded.

Imagine Feeling:

  •  More fulfilled by your work
  •  Like you are aligned with your purpose and bringing it into reality
  •  Connected to spirit/your higher self 
  •  In touch with your inner guidance
  •  Capable of managing your stress and armed with tools to calm your nervous system
  •  Confident in your ability to make the changes you need to make
  •  More joyful in your daily life
  • More relaxed and at-ease in your body and your life
  • That your work is in alignment with your passions, skills, interests and energy level
  • Clear about your goals 
  • Excited about your vision of the future
  • Free from blocks and fears that are holding you back and keeping you stuck
  • Seen, heard and understood by a small intimate group of women and femme

What's Included

Program starts 20th August for 12 weeks
In the You CAN Change your Life! Group program you get all of the following:
Level 1 includes:
12 Weeks of Expert Support in getting unstuck and moving towards your Ideal life:

Six, 75-minute training and experiential Zoom classes – one every other week with Kelly and a small, intimate group of women and femme. (Value: $1500)

The classes will include teaching and group discussion as well as experiential activities such as a guided Shamanic journey, instructions on meditation techniques, and group somatic healing work. There will also be writing activities, partner work and plenty of time for Q and A’s.

Three, 60-minute group coaching Zoom calls (one per month) with Kelly and the group. These are a golden opportunity to bring your specific questions around changing your life to Kelly and receive coaching to help you move through blocks or resistance in a group setting. They are also an opportunity to ask questions around topics presented in the classes and to go deeper into practicing the skills presented. (Value: $450)

One 60-minute private coaching session with Kelly where you can address your own personal challenges and receive support. Your session can also be used for guided shamanic journeying or a shamanic energy healing session designed specifically to help you pinpoint blocks and limiting beliefs that need to be addressed and start to clear them out. (Value: $250)

Worksheets and instructions to supplement class learning.
Access to a private Facebook group for the group where you can ask questions and receive feedback from Kelly and the group in a private group setting.

Unlimited email access with Kelly for questions and feedback that you want to keep absolutely private in between classes and coaching calls. (Value: priceless!)

Total value: $2200

Your investment: $1497 (Pay upfront or in 4 monthly installments of $411)
Level 2 includes:
Everything listed above in Level 1

3 additional one-on-one private 60-minute coaching or
shamanic healing sessions with Kelly
(Can also be used for journeying instruction/assistance)

Total value: $2950

Your investment: $2247 (Pay in full or in 5 monthly installments of $494)

*I also have a few partial equity scholarships available for BBIPOC (Black, Brown, Indigenous, & People of Color) folks and those with financial restrictions. If you’d like to know more about these please email me at

If you’d like to sign up for the program you can do so by clicking the appropriate link to register. There are limited spaces available in the program so don’t wait!

If you are interested and would like to learn more , let’s set a time to connect! It will be a pressure-free call where we take a look at where you’re at right now, what you’re really wanting for yourself, and if I can help!
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Buy Now
Do you want to learn more about the Formula for Transformation?
How to create joy, fulfilment and abundance in your life?
Register here to connect with Kelly and receive a free Guided Meditation for grounding and reducing stress and anxiety!


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As an LCSW, I have been through and have practiced traditional talk therapy for over 20 years. I wanted a different kind of healing. Working with Kelly gives me deeper ways of knowing myself. Kelly has helped me with body work and inner sanctuary work. It is obvious that she is in tune with you during her processes. Her overwhelming acceptance and connection with you is amazing. She's "all in" as she leads you through healing work. She calms your nerves and is genuinely excited about your deeper knowing of self. She is exactly what I was looking for. I feel completely surrounded in compassion from start to finish. She exudes this every step of the way from leading you through deep breathing to her directiveness in meditative guidance. I cannot recommend her enough.
CW, LCSW in private practice
If you are contemplating coaching with Kelly, I highly recommend her – she’ll help change your life. Kelly has helped me through a time in my life where I was making a transition and working through putting myself out there. Her intuition and experience have enabled me to see things more clearly because she always knows what to say and how to navigate the issue. She has many tools in her back pocket and her energy healing sessions are so powerful. Her guidance through these sessions is profound and healing. Thank you Kelly – I am so blessed to have met you.

Reiki Master and Spiritual and Energy Coach
I sought coaching because I want to live my life more boldly, using my voice in ways that demonstrate my heart-felt obligations to passions that I have. To date, even though I am ‘older’, I have held back somewhat. I think it is from being busy making a living, raising children, but also from fear, or criticism, not sure what. Anyway, Kelly led me through a series of questions about my purpose, my mission (s), that helped me ‘drill down’ (her words) to the essential questions regarding my next steps. Some of her questions led me to a plan to ‘Do Something’! Today, I took the first step!



For this program we are using the term femme in the following context:
While “femme” was originally used primarily in lesbian spaces, it’s now used more broadly and encompasses non-lesbian members of the LGBTQ+ community. That can include bisexual and queer women and other sapphics; trans and nonbinary people; and even gay, bi, and queer men. *
The intent of offering this program for women and femme is to provide a safer space for these folks to explore their inner worlds, with the understanding that some women/femme may find it easier to express their inner thoughts, feelings, fears and desires in the company of other women/femme. The intent is not to demean or vilify men or other gender expressions.
Light as a feather shamanic hand gesture.



I help soul-centered women and femme (non-binary/trans) move out of stress and confusion into CLARITY and CONFIDENCE so that they take aligned action to create a life with more JOY, PEACE, and FULFILLMENT. I envision a world where everyone feels valued, respected, and heard, and where we have real connections based on authenticity.

I am an ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and a Shamanic Practitioner. As a trauma-informed, anti-racist coach my focus is to actively work on decolonizing my mind and holding a safer space for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, place of origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic group, disability, neurodiversity, and any differentiators that have traditionally held stigma or been discriminated against.

I recognize that being a white, cisgendered, middle class woman who grew up with professional, college-educated parents has afforded me certain privileges that have helped me achieve the successes I have experienced. I have a genuine desire to help others and to create space for people who have not had the same privileges I have had so that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
In addition, I acknowledge that much of my wisdom comes from indigenous peoples of the world including North, Central, and South American indigenous people and people of Asia. This includes shamanic and meditative practices I have learned from various sources and concepts of energy/healing I've learned through the study of Reiki, a Japanese modality, as well as other Eastern traditions.

I enjoyed a successful career in the nonprofit Healthcare industry for 25 years. Here I held various roles from medical Spanish interpreter, outreach worker, Migrant Program Director to principal Grant Writer and finally, Chief Operating Officer/Interim CEO.

I hold a MPH degree from the University of Tennessee, with a concentration in Community Health Education and a B.A. from Lafayette College in Anthropology and Sociology with a minor in Spanish.

I am certified as a Life, Spiritual and Energetic Coach through the Artist of the Spirit Coach Training program which is based in Toltec philosophy as taught by Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.

Additionally, I completed the year-long (60-hour) Wisdom of the Whole Coaching Course for Holistic/Integrative Life, Health, and Wellness Coaching. This curriculum is approved by both the International Coaching Federation and the American Holistic Nursing Association for certification.

I am also a Certified Warrior Goddess Training Facilitator (through HeatherAsh Amara) and I have studied Core Shamanism with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. I am currently learning about Celtic shamanism in an effort to reconnect with my European roots.

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  • Private Facebook group - questions and feedback
  • Unlimited email access with Kelly for private questions and feedback
  • Limited partial scholarships available for BBIPOC folks and those with financial restrictions
  • For more info email
  • 12 Weeks of Support
  • Six, 75-minute Zoom classes
  • Three, 60-minute group coaching Zoom calls
  • One 60-minute private coaching session with Kelly
  • Worksheets and instructions to supplement class learning
  • Everything listed in Level 1, PLUS
  • 3 additional one-on-one private 60-minute coaching sessions
  • 1:1 Sessions can be used for shamanic healing
  • 1:1 Sessions can also be used for journeying instruction/assistance
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One payment of $1497
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Or 4 installments of $411
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One payment of $2247
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Or 5 installments of $494
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